Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rachael Reill's Hinds Feet Reflection

Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard

Accept…accept with joy?

I can endure the pain inflicted by so many, with Your help.
I can survive the injustices of this world, with Your help.
I can maintain a strong exterior and pretend their words cannot hurt me, with Your help.
I can play their game and not let them get to me, with Your help.
I can rise above to meet their hostility with kindness, with Your help.

You have not asked me to endure, survive, or be strong.
You have not asked me to play their game, or rise above.
You have asked me to accept the painful injustice.
You have asked me to accept the games of words and hostility.
You have asked me to accept…with joy.

I am not deserving of this pain.
I am too weak to bear the fire.
I cannot open myself up to be so treated.
I cannot let down my guard.

You have promised your help and You are faithful.
I choose today, to accept…with joy.

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