Thursday, December 2, 2010

Travis Reill's Water Song Reflection

Water Song-

The call of the water in the ‘Water Song’ is to go down. Down to the low places from the very high places. Not only is the water on a journey downward but it is “happy to go low.” I question what joy can be found in the low places and I most certainly question what joy can be found in such a self-giving spirit. Yet the water found a spirit of contempt and joy in such a situation. I also thought it was interesting how quickly this self-giving attitude was introduced into the story. Yet as I look at scripture I find a common theme of self-sacrifice due to the spirit of God.

Matthew 16, near the end of the chapter, reminds us to take up our cross and follow Christ, for “whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Christ is calling us to find our life in him, being reading and waiting to due his will. We find this passage in the same scene where Peter is trying to tell Christ he’d never let anything happen to him. Jesus responds to Peter calling him “Satan;” harsh words no matter who you are. Peter was attempting to be in the way of Christ doing the will of his Father-giving of himself. Peter wanted to stay in the “high places” with Christ but was strongly rebuked, as Christ knew that the will of his Father was to pour out his spirit. (I also find it interesting that this passage comes right after Peter’s confession of Christ, but that is a different discussion.)

Philippians 2, need I say more?! Imitating Christ humility. Paul reminds us that the Holy One sent from God made himself into nothing, taking on the nature of a servant. Christ died a sinner’s death, humble and low. Then Paul, after talking of Christ’s humility, tells them to continue in the salvation in the same way:
“…in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.”
This ‘shinning’ Paul talks about is done in this “crooked and depraved generation.” Later Paul goes on to tell the Philippians that “even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.” Paul is one to take the example of Christ, find his way to the low places, serve with joy, and advance the gospel, even, at times, while in chains.

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